Connectin string for an access database set up as DSN? - persists asp upload serial
I have a web project in Web server host. Chagné try my connection string to connect Wil my Access database is now webroot on the host server / data / demo.mdb. The problem is that configure as a DNS server. I do not know how to configure my connection string the connection string to the database for me and my DNS = connection string now looks dgfmed.demo access
add name = "Demo ConnectionString" ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet ... Source = dgfmed.demo; Database = demo.mdb Per ... Security Info = False;" ProviderName = "System.Data.OleDb" />
Servers not only support ASP 1.3 and I can not as a basis for my App_Data folder and access them directly, such as DNS, I have continued to invite. How can I make this connection string work, I am totally lost on this issue.
Try it with something (if no password is required):
Provider = MSDASQL.1; u0026lt Persist Security Info = False; Data Source = \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\; name of the DSN>
You should be able to the DSN (data source name) to a file in your application access to the components. NET - domain name, password database.
You need the following information about your hosting companies offer to configure the server:
Domain Name
Database Name
Database Type
DSN prefix (eg MyDatabase_domainname_com)
Make sure asp / services are enabled before using the configuration of the DSN - This can also book. Asp in the field of public reception before the service may require you can.
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